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Thirty years ago, we started our mission to improve the lives of farmed animals. Since then, we have changed our name and our image, but one thing has always remained the same: our dedication to improving the lives of farmed animals.
Take a look at some of the achievements we have made over the years, from where we started in 1994, to higher welfare standards for chickens, pigs, and salmon, to working with most of the UK's largest supermarkets.

Our Assurances...

No Cages… Ever

Whenever you buy something carrying the RSPCA Assured mark, you can be sure that animals were reared to the RSPCA’s higher welfare standards.

Enriched Living Conditions

The RSPCA’s welfare standards insist that farmed animals are provided with a physically and mentally stimulating environment.

Humane Slaughter

Unlike some other schemes, RSPCA Assured inspects the welfare of animals from birth right through to slaughter, including transport.

More Living Space

In many cases, the RSPCA welfare standards specify space allowances above legal requirements and other assurance providers.

Responsible Antibiotic Usage

We require that animals be given antibiotics when they actually need them, such as if an animal is sick or injured.

Traceability for Peace of Mind

In addition to the RSPCA standards for farmed animals, RSPCA Assured also has its own set of standards for food manufacturers.

Where to Buy RSPCA Assured Products...

Welly Vision is our online series that gives you a feet-on-the-ground look at life on higher welfare farms and explores the challenges of farming animals for food.
Follow Kate Quilton, food journalist, campaigner, and Food Unwrapped presenter, as she visits RSPCA Assured certified farms asking important questions.
For a product to carry the RSPCA Assured logo, the animal that produced it must have come from farms, hauliers and abattoirs that have all been assessed to the relevant RSPCA farm animal welfare standards.
Find out more about some of the welfare issues facing farm animals and how animals reared under the RSPCA Assured scheme have better lives.
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