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RSPCA Assured Governance Explained

Set up to administer the RSPCA’s farm animal welfare labelling scheme, RSPCA Assured Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the RSPCA and a charity in its own right (Charity Number 1059879).

RSPCA Assured's objectives

To prevent cruelty to animals through the promotion of humane farming, transportation, marketing and slaughter of farm animals by implementing a set of rearing and handling standards. These standards are updated and approved periodically by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

Both in the United Kingdom and abroad, RSPCA Assured strives to prevent cruelty and suffering among farmed animals through educating the public.

Function & responsibilities of the RSPCA Assured chairperson

To provide leadership to the Board and take responsibility for ensuring agreed priorities and trustees who are able to govern well and add value to the charity.

They also ensure there are appropriate structures, processes and a productive culture. 

They are also charged with the overview of RSPCA Assured as a whole and the company's long-term strategy and policy. They also ensure there are efficient processes and frameworks for effective working.

In addition, they are accountable for actions and decisions made on behalf of RSPCA Assured and ensuring any compliance with current legislation.

The role of Chair is a key leadership role and figurehead for RSPCA Assured, along with the Executive Director. The Chair enables the Board to work as an effective team by developing strong working relationships between members of the Board and promoting a positive, inclusive and collegiate culture. The Chair takes particular responsibility for trustee recruitment, performance and development, and adherence by Trustees to their code of conduct.

The Chair works in partnership with the Executive Director to ensure that the charity has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and that the charity, the Trustees and the Executive Director are focused on achieving these.

Trustees responsibilities

Trustees must not be involved with any groups or businesses which contravene our policies, or which seek to actively lobby, target or campaign against the RSPCA or RSPCA Assured.

Succession planning

The minimum number of trustees is three, with no maximum limit. Trustees shall hold office for a maximum of three 3-year terms from the date of appointment. Trustees who are RSPCA employees shall cease to hold office if they resign or are otherwise terminated from their employment.

In year two of each term, Trustees must have a review with the Executive Director to assess their participation and contributions to RSPCA Assured.

In the final year of the first and second terms, Trustees must have a review with the Executive Director to agree on whether or not they will extend their term.

Non-executive directors are recruited to fill gaps in the Board’s expertise, which may include specialisms such as finance, farming, certification, marketing or retail. The role is either advertised or someone will be identified as a result of a recommendation. The Executive Director then meets the candidate for an initial meeting, which is followed by an interview with the Chairperson and another member of the Board.

RSPCA Trustees are voted on to RSPCA Assured's Board by the RSPCA Board.

Name: David Smith
Role: chairperson
Date of initial appointment: 21 November 2019
Max-term ends: 2028

Name: Rene Olivieri
Role: vice chairperson
Date of initial appointment: 21 November 2019
Max-term ends: 2028

Name: Gavin Chohan
Role: treasurer
Date of initial appointment: 20 October 2023
Max-term ends: 2031

Name: David Beardmore
Role: non-executive
Date of initial appointment: 24 June 2024
Max-term ends: 2032

Name: Audrey Wycherley
Role: non-executive
Date of initial appointment: 20 October 2023
Max-term ends: 2031

Name: David Main
Role: non-executive
Date of initial appointment: 17 June 2021
Max-term ends: 2025

Name: Daniel Thiems
Role: non-executive
Date of initial appointment: 20 October 2023
Max-term ends: 2031

Name: David North
Role: non-executive
Date of initial appointment: 24 June 2024
Max-term ends: 2032

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