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What's the difference between the RSPCA welfare standards for egg-laying hens and the UK legal requirements?


RSPCA Assured standards for hens


UK legal minimum for hens
Cages are never permitted, all hens must have access to litter and freedom of movement in loose-housed systems.

Enriched cages are permitted. These are similar to conventional battery cages but also provide limited nesting, perching and scratching facilities.
15cm of raised perching must be available per bird (multi-tier systems) and 8cm per bird in flat-deck systems, to allow birds to rest without disturbance.  
15cm of perch space is required per bird. In England & Wales, perches can be incorporated into the flooring and do not need to be raised.
2 enrichment items must be provided for every 1000 birds. Some must be destructible to enable foraging-related behaviours, for example, pecking blocks or alfalfa bales.

There are no requirements for enrichment.

All hens must be inspected at least 3 times a day.



All hens must be inspected at least once a day.

A stocking density of 9 birds per m³ of usable area is required to enable freedom of movement (equivalent to 1110cm³ space allowance per hen).


Space to move

750cm³ space allowance per hen is required in enriched cages.

Hens must be caught and carried by both legs by an approved catching team.


Bird handling

Personnel handling the animals must be trained or competent.

All hens must be sent to an RSPCA Assured approved abattoir with a journey time of no more than 8 hours. Live shackling is not permitted.


Transport & slaughter

Journey time can be up to 12 hours. Live shackling (where hens are hung upside down by their legs) for electric stunning is permitted.

Accurate as of September 2021

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